10 resumes per week—clickbait or real?

Recruiting cases in numbers

Senior Java Developer

Recruitment period—8 weeks

20 shows

After interviewing the candidates, we chose 20 resumes to show to the client
15 interviews

Out of 20 candidates, 15 were invited to an interview
8 offers

8 candidates out of 15 received a job offer
2 hires

Every fourth candidate accepted the offer

Tech Lead/Senior IOS Developer

Recruitment period — 4 weeks

15 shows

15 resumes were chosen and shown to the client
12 interviews

Out of 15 candidates, 12 were invited to an interview
6 offers

6 candidates out of 12 received a job offer
2 hires

Every third candidate accepted the offer
HeadHunter: search, integration, platform, and mobile app for job seekers teams
  1. Find a Senior Java Developer (>5 years) who works with Spring and Highload (>5k rps)
  2. Find a Senior iOS/Android Developer (>5 years) who has developed apps with millions of users
  3. Find a Tech Lead iOS Developer (>5 years) who has worked in a similar position (>1 year)
We have compiled a search map and a list of relevant companies. Searches that resulted in offers:
  1. Search by title, level of developer, and technology on Russian Linkedin: site:ru.linkedin.com/in intitle:Java intitle:Senior Spring Highload
  2. Resume search in Russian Linkedin: site:ru.linkedin.com/in intitle:IOS OR intitle:Swift resume OR cv OR resume OR vitae - Resume.io
  3. Search by position, technology, level of developer, location in Habr Career: site:career.habr.com "Android Developer" Senior Russia "about me"
  4. Search by level of developer on Russian Linkedin: site:ru.linkedin.com/in intitle:IOS OR intitle:Swift "Tech Lead"
  1. The tasks were 75% completed
  2. In 8 weeks, 2 Senior Java Developers joined the Search and Integration teams
  3. In 4 weeks, 1 Senior IOS Developer joined the mobile app team and 1 Tech Lead IOS Developer became the head of the IOS team
  4. The task of finding a Senior Android Developer was not completed, as it was solved by internal recruitment, although we've provided the client with 2 candidates at the final stage